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Candida albicans is a yeast that under normal conditions lives inside the large intestines at about a 2% level without causing any harm. Temporary overgrowth can result in mild multisystem complaints to severe symptom complexes. Symptoms may include oral thrush, vaginitis, lethargy, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual cramping, asthma, migraine headaches, and severe depression. All symptoms may improve on a Candida regimen. Candida is related to immune dysregulation and frequently affects endocrine organs resulting in a diverse combination of symptoms, signs, and laboratory abnormalities.

What sets the stage for the overgrowth of candida? The destruction of beneficial intestinal bacteria allows their replacement by Candida. A weakening of the immune system, the body’s defense system, can contribute. And, finally, changes in the normal gastrointestinal acidity play a role. these factors control Candida. When they lose control, the yeast changes into an invasive fungal form. Its rootlike rhizoids penetrate the gastrointestinal walls, releasing metabolic toxins and intestinal substances into the bloodstream and allowing the Candida organism to initiate adverse reactions that can lead to tissue damage and systemic problems throughout the body. The result is the symptoms of Polysystemic Chronic Candidiasis.

How does this happen? Broad-spectrum antibiotics used medically destroy beneficial bacteria as well as disease germs. In addition, we may all be exposed to low levels of antibiotics thanks to their employment in livestock feed. Steroid derivatives, such as cortisone and birth control pills, weaken the immune system. So do stress and pollution. And the fast-food diet so many of us eat changes the normal acid levels while flooding the body with carbohydrates Candida thrives on. As many as 30% of the American people show some signs of Candida overgrowth.

There are symptom questionnaires designed to pinpoint the overgrowth, as well as laboratory tests for greater diagnostic precision. The two goals of Candida therapy are

1. to reduce the Candida population;
2. to restore the body’s internal balance through repair of the immune system, implantation of normal bacterial populations, and normalization of G.I. pH.

These goals are usually accomplished by a coordinated program involving dietary and hygiene modifications and nutritional therapy. Patient treatment may continue for three months or until symptoms disappear. Sometimes the “Herxheimer reaction” or die-off” is encountered by the patient. This describes an uncomfortable condition that may occur at the beginning of treatment when large numbers of Candida are being killed, resulting in a sudden release of toxic substances that produce intensified symptoms. The Herxheimer reaction normally lasts no longer than a week. If symptoms are severe treatment should be backed off to tolerable levels and built up over time.

Candida Symptoms

Some of the common symptoms of fungal overgrowth are:

frequent headaches (migraine or sinus)
severe depression, lack of energy
recurrent bladder infection, vaginal yeast infection, rectal itching, chronic diarrhea or constipation (often alternating)
menstrual irregularity and severe cramping
frequent fungal infections such as athlete’s foot or jock itch
digestive disorders including recurring indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating and gas, allergic reactions
Anxiety, mental confusion, lack of coordination, loss of memory, disorientation, insomnia, impotence
muscular weakness, swelling of joints, chest pains, blurred vision
recurrent sore throat, nasal congestion, fluid in ears, persistent cough, rashes or blisters in the mouth
symptoms that are aggravated by smoke, perfume, fumes, chemical odors, damp days, moldy places, or by the intake of foods that encourage yeast growth
extreme cravings for sugar, bread, or alcoholic beverages
especially in children: colic, recurrent colds or ear infection, hyperactivity
in teenagers: depression, nervous system disorders, substance abuse, underachievement, erratic behavior
uncontrollable crying

Medical History

Common factors contributing to candida are:

frequent or prolonged use of antibiotics
use of birth control pill
cortisone or prednisone use
diabetes mellitus
nutritional deficiencies leading to a run-down physical state
severe emotional upset, stress, anxiety

In his paper titled “Candida albicans: An unsuspected Problem,” Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry, suggests that because of the widespread use of antibiotics in animal feed, which then ends up in our meats, we are exposed to long term, low levels of antibiotics, which greatly increases the risk of yeast infection.

The following is an outline of the multidimensional approach necessary for overcoming Polysystemic Candidiasis:



Broad-spectrum antibiotics which are usually analogs of fungal toxins, and lead to the destruction of beneficial bacteria
Steroid drugs, which lead to immunosuppression
Yeast and mold containing foods, which can trigger candida symptoms
Sugar and refined carbohydrates, which fuel candida growth (limit to 100 grams per day)
Environmental pollutants, which lead to immunosuppression or allergic response
Alcohol and drug abuse, due to potential immunosuppression
Damp, poorly ventilated places, due to exposure to mold and fungi spores that can trigger symptoms
Destructive lifestyles and excessive stress, due to potential immunosuppression

Diet & Hygiene

Beneficial modifications include:

Nutrient-rich and high fiber foods, which lead to restoration of GI pH and mucosal integrity
Foods with antifungal properties
Yeast-free, vitamin and mineral supplements to facilitate mucosal integrity helping to restore homeostasis
Regular gargling and douching with Orithrush (Candida thrives in body cavities)
Regular exercise and adequate rest for reduced adrenal stimulation and greater organ vitality


Therapies include:

Homeopathic dilutions of Candida Albicans allergenic extract: to stimulate immune response and systemic recovery
Nutritional supplements with antifungal properties
Antipathic symbiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus to restore beneficial bacteria
Nutritional supplements that support the immune system integrity to help the body resist Candida proliferation
Hydrophilic mucillagenous intestinal cleanser to aid peristalsis and removal of toxins and putrefactive substances
Detoxifying nutritional supplements to reduce the impact of environmental pollutants

Dietary Guidelines

Certain foods have direct antifungal properties or strengthen the immune system:

Friendly flora: live culture, raw milk, plain yogurt
Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, kale
Other vegetables: onions, and fresh organic vegetables generally
Spices: cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger
Oils: olive oil, flax oil
Nuts & seeds: unprocessed nuts & seeds, especially Brazil nuts
Seafood: fish, shrimp, scallops, lobster
Red meat: in moderation and only if fresh and free of antibiotics and steroids (avoid all pork)
Other protein: free-range eggs, boiled or poached, free-range poultry
Peeled fruit (only in mild cases after 1st 2 weeks)
Whole grains (according to condition)
Yeast-free crackers and bread

Foods to Avoid:

Other foods are important to avoid as they either feed fungus or trigger an already sensitized immune system:

Sugar, including sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glycogen, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, honey, molasses, maple syrup and maple sugar, date sugar, raw sugar and turbinado sugar, corn syrup (read labels)
Yeast and yeast products (again read the labels!)
Alcoholic beverages
Malt products
Mustard; ketchup; Worchestershire sauce; Accent; MSG; steak, barbecue, chili, and soy sauces; pickles; relishes; green olives; sauerkraut
Processed and smoked meats, luncheon meats, sausage, hot dogs, pork, bacon
Dried and candied fruit
Leftovers (freeze instead of the refrigerator)
Canned or frozen juices
All coffee and teas
Mushrooms, morels, and truffles
Cheese, milk, sour cream, and buttermilk
Canned, processed, and fast food since almost all contain sugar, yeast, and/or chemicals
Most B vitamins formulations unless specified otherwise
White flour and enriched flour
Peanuts and pistachios, since they typically contain mold. In mild cases, Valencia peanuts may be allowed in moderation, as they grow in a dry climate, producing less fungal growth and therefore less aflatoxin, one of the most potent carcinogens known.
Avoid fruits at the beginning
Avoid dried fruits as yeast and mold naturally grows on them
Red meat and poultry raised with antibiotics or steroids

In mild cases be moderate with:

Whole grains and starchy vegetables until symptoms lessen
Nuts and seeds small amounts in the shell
Bean and legumes small amounts
Fresh fruit

In moderate cases:

Eliminate wheat, oats, rye, barley, fruit, and fruit juices

In Severe Cases:

Eliminate all grains but a little rice and millet
Nuts and seeds
Herb teas and spices

Steps in Overcoming Yeast

1. Eliminate the fungal forms:

Avoid food that feeds them.
Daily use of garlic in supplement form and/or fresh garlic

Pau D’Arco (Taheebo) capsules or tea. In moderate to severe cases, add stronger antifungal herbs:

Kolorex (with Pseudowintera colorata), SF722 (from Thorne Research, with Undecenoic acid from castor beans), and Spilanthes/Usnea Compound (from Herb Pharm)
Caprylic acid (possibly in homeopathic potency) this substance is derived from coconut and mimics the fatty acids produced by normal bowel flora, the good guys, and thereby destroys the yeast.
Biotin, a B vitamin that inhibits the yeast from changing into its more invasive fungal form
Olive oil
Acidophilus, Bifidus and other friendly flora
OxyTrace or Cell
Food to oxygenate the digestive tract and body tissues, making the terrain unfavorable for fungi and other pathogenic anaerobes.
Mild Silver Protein or M-State Silver Oil if needed

2. Detoxify the bowels and liver

The intestines are where the yeast live and where they proliferate. The liver is one of the major organs for detoxifying the blood and it becomes overworked with the presence of Candida as the yeast produces more toxins in their life processes. High fiber is very important, as it increases the absorptive surface of fecal matter and hastens the elimination of metabolic by-products.

Bulk intestinal cleanser and toxin absorption
1. Sonne’s products, NCA products, Yerba Prima
2. Psyllium husks, guar gum, pectin
Olive oil and oat bran (2 tsp/2 tsp. x 3 a day) help to create a barrier between the colon wall and bloodstream blocks the holes created by the fungal form.Lemon water to detox liver: daily intake of water should be 1/2 oz. per 1 lb. body weight (e.g.: someone weighing 120 lbs. should drink 60 oz of pure water a day). To detox, the liver 1/2 of that 60 oz should be lemon water (30 oz). The proportion of lemon to water is 1 oz lemon to 10 oz water. Not more than 40 oz of lemon water should be taken daily.

Complete colon cleanse with a positive flora implant

3. Rebuild the friendly flora

At least 2 billion 3-4 x a day (Bifidus plus other species)e.g. Friendly Flora, Ultrabifidus, Spectrabiotic, Ultradophilus
Feed with whey several times a week
The implant of positive flora is strongly suggested in most cases because of our culturally-induced medical history (antibiotic, junk food, meat). Enemas with Bifidus flora and yogurt

4. Rebuild immunity through supplemental nutrition

High potency B-complex: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, and biotin (300 to 500 mcg taken 3 times daily)

a. 300 mcg. Se daily
b. 40 mg Zn picolinate or methionine daily
c. 1000 mg Cad. 500 mg Mg (this Ca/Mg ratio may be reversed according to certain symptoms)Dry Vitamin E 800 units daily

Beta carotene 20,000 units daily
Vitamin A 20,0000 – 25,000 units daily of absorbable mycellized form
Folic acid 800mcg -1500mcg daily together with Vitamin A and folic acid the repair of the leaky gut from fungal invasion begins.
Vitamin C 1000 mg 4 to 5 times daily (diarrhea will indicate too much Vitamin C, cut back until it disappears)Essential fatty acids: 2 to 4 capsules twice a day to support immune function and decrease inflammation
Flower pollen improves immune function
Amino acids help rebuild depleted enzyme reserves
Immune formulas, Astragalus, Suma, plus Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs
Glandular support: thymus, spleen, etc.
Candida killersa. garlic (high allicin): 1-2 caps twice dailyb. caprylic acid potencyc. homeopathic candida and other fungid. Pau D’Arco (Taheebo) tea: 1 cup 2-3 x daily (make with 1 or 2 capsules)
Olive oil plus oat bran: 2 tsp 2-3 times daily
Lactobacillus flora, acidophilus, and/or other beneficial flora: at least 2 billion 3-4 times daily

5. Exercise and pure water

Pure water is imperative not to compromise the eliminative functions of the body with chemicals. Carbonated water and beverages create bloating and gas as well as carbonic acid which interferes with the pH balance.

At least every other day aerobic activity 10 -20 minutes, a brisk walk for 1-2 miles would be sufficient. Stimulate the circulation and respiration in order to help the body rid itself of Candida toxins as well as the everyday toxins from our environment, stress, and metabolic processes.

6. Stress Reduction

It is important to take the time to allow the body and mind to relax completely, as it will allow the body to restore and heal

Meditation, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises listening to comforting music

References & Cookbooks

The Nutrition Detective by Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D.

Yeast Free Living by Annette Annechild and Laura Johnson

Candida Albicans by Leon Chaitow, D.O., N.D.

The Candida Albicans Yeast-Free Cookbook by Pat Connolly

Coping with Candida Cookbook by Sally Rockwell

Yeast Connection by William G. Crook, M.D.

Dairy-Free Sources of Calcium

Fish and other seafood are excellent sources of calcium.


Agar-Agar 400

Arame 1170

Hijiki 1400

Kombu 800

Wakame 1300


Beet leaf 100

Mustard greens 140-160

Parsley 200

Radish greens 190

Radish root 400

Shepherd’s purse 300

Spinach 98

Turnip greens 130

Watercress 90

Seeds & Nuts:

Almonds, sweet 282

Brazil nuts 169

Hazel nuts 186

Sesame seeds 630

Sunflower 140


Broad beans 100

Kidney 130

Miso 70-180

Natto (fermented soybeans) 92

Soybeans 190

Tofu (Soybean curd) 120

Tofu, Congealed 590

Foods containing Vitamin C:

Citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerine, and others are well known as a source of Vitamin C. Their Vitamin C contents are generally 38 to 61 mg per edible portion of 100 grams. Strawberries and other temperate zone berries are rich in Vitamin C. Besides fruits, many vegetables are rich in Vitamin C. For example:

Broccoli 113

Brussel sprouts 102

Cabbage 47

Cauliflower 78

Chives 56

Collard 152

Cress 69

Kale 186

Horseradish 81

Mustard 97

Turnip greens 139

Swiss chard 32

Watercress 79

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture and Japan Nutritionist Association

Foods containing yeast:


cakes and mixes
burger buns
hot dog buns
flour enriched with vitamins from yeast
rolls, both homemade and canned
canned icebox cookies
milk fortified with vitamins from yeast
meat fried in cracker crumbs

Other fungal or yeast containing foods, because of their nature or fermentation manufacturing processes:

mushrooms, truffles
tomato sauce
chili peppers
cottage cheese and cheese of all kinds
mince pie
Gerber’s oatmeal
barley cereal
all vinegar: apple, pear, plum, grape, distilled
malted products: cereals, candy, malted milk drinks
root beer
frozen or canned citrus fruit drinks
catsup, barbeque sauce
alcohol: whiskey, gin, wine, brandy, rum, vodka
salad dressings, e.g. french dressing

Many natural vitamin products are, in fact, derived from yeast or have their sources from yeast.

After reading this partial list of foods containing yeast products, you now have a much better idea of the rather formidable task ahead of you. It is absolutely imperative while on the rotary diversification and avoidance diet that you carefully look at all labels on the canned and packaged foods and consult the list constantly, or you will continue to suffer needlessly the consequences of allergic reactions.

Yeast-Free Shopping List


Essene bread (made from sprouts)
Irish Soda Bread (made with baking soda)
Some patients are able to tolerate Dimpflmeier 100% Rye Bread


Rice Cakes (Arden, Chico San or Lundberg)
Brown Rice Snaps
WASA: Light Rye
Crisp Cakes: Plain and Apple Cinnamon
Floridor Swiss Rye Crisp: Plain, Buckwheat, Millet
Fiber Crisp Cracker
Barbara’s Light Bread Whole Grain Crackers
Manischewitz Whole Wheat Matzos


Soba (buckwheat) noodles
Westbrae ramen noodles (they cook quickly, but discard seasoning packet and add your own vegetables)
Corn pasta
Spinach pasta
Wheat pasta
Red pepper pasta
Brown rice
Eden rice noodles
Kasha (Wolf’s: use bouillon instead of water)
Wild rice
Beans (azuki, chickpeas, lentils, kidneys, etc.)
Whole wheat or buckwheat pancakes


Kashi 7 grain cereal
Corn, rice, millet, wheat (Spelt or Kamut varieties are less allergenic), etc.
Read labels (no barley malt or sugar)


Apple butter (keep fresh, as it grows mold quickly: store in small plastic or glass containers in a refrigerator)
Almond butter
Cashew butter
Sunflower butter
Sesame butter
Sorrell Ridge Preserves (fruit only)


Unsweetened applesauce
Squeeze orange or grapefruit juice
Yogurt: unsweetened. Add unsweetened frozen or fresh blueberries, strawberries, or bananas. Put in a blender with a little oat bran (for fiber) and a few ice cubes.
Good fruits: apples, bananas, fresh pineapple, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits
Rice chips
Yogurt chips
Carrot chips
Corn chips (occasionally)
Popcorn (No peanuts or pistachios as they grow mold)
All kinds of vegetables (red potatoes are a good substitute for bread)

Refrigerated section: (Read labels)

Hummus Tahini dip and spread (chickpeas, tahini (made from sesame seeds), lemon, garlic)
Mujadara (lentil salad)
Taboule salad (parsley, cracked wheat)
Baba Ghannouj dip and spread (eggplant, tahini, lemon, garlic)
Mousaka (eggplant)

Frozen food section:

Unleavened Chapati (whole wheat flour tortilla)
Frozen Vegetables

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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected] 

PO Box 126

Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.