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Rebound Exercise

Jump Your Way To Health With The Rebounder!

Developed through N.A.S.A. research, rebounding is the most efficient form of exercise to stimulate the body’s circulation through all 60,000 miles of lymph and blood vessels.

The quest for improved health and longevity has gained notoriety in the past decade. An avalanche of literature on new studies, theories, and strategies about good health has hit the national media, as people of all ages and walks of life seek a higher quality of life or just want to feel more energetic and enthusiastic.

We seek to promote good health by the products we choose to offer and the literature we recommend. We are pleased to offer our rebounding unit and want to share the astounding efficiency of this exercising device and its many benefits.

Exercise comes and goes in importance in the public eye. Research is mounting that supports the importance of regular exercise to our total health. Many doctors, nutritionists, and health care professionals are acknowledging the critical importance of exercise in the healing of their patients. Covert Bailey, a nutritionist who wrote Fit or Fat, has found that to be fit equals health. He says you have to enjoy your particular form of exercise and be consistent with it to get results.

What usually motivates us to exercise? Some people are aware that exercise can relieve tension and so may counteract a stressful job with vigorous exercise. The American Academy of Family Physicians conducted a survey in 1979, which was answered by 4,500 people in six occupational groups. Results showed physicians and business executives used exercise as a means of coping with stress for at least 50% of the time; teachers-30%; secretaries-26%; garment workers-25%. The major activities were walking, dancing, calisthenics, and bicycling.1

The desire to lose weight is an ever-popular motivation to exercise. Mr. Bailey shines some light on fat metabolism and the best fat-burning exercise. He says that fat needs oxygen and a little sugar to break down. If the muscle is out of oxygen, it will burn sugar and produce lactic acid that leads to cramps and spasms of the muscle. Fat is burned when large muscles are being used for at least 15 minutes, while still being able to talk during your session. Without that oxygen, no fat will burn. The more muscles that are engaged at a moderate intensity, the higher percentage of fat will be burned off. So jogging uses more than cycling, or cross country skiing more than jogging. Rebounding would beat them all as each cell is affected by the gravitational forces of acceleration and deceleration. Rebounding is cellular exercise!

Preventing or overcoming ill health should be an exercise motivator. In 1978 over 60 million people were overweight and 53 million had high blood pressure. Both of these situations can make people prone to back troubles, hernias, cancer, heart attack, and strokes.2 A person can have up to 70% occlusion of the arteries without symptoms of pathology.3 High cholesterol (LDL) seems to be an urgent widespread problem as stress becomes a constant companion in our everyday lives.

The good news is that exercise helps alleviate these and many other problems!

A study by Dr. R. Sanders Williams, in 1980, showed a measured increase in clot-dissolving activity after a 10-week physical conditioning program.4

Dr. Paffenbarger, in 1973, did an analysis of medical records of longshoremen over a 22 year period and found that “men between 35 and 55, in the most strenuous jobs, had the fewest fatal heart attacks.”5

Dr. William Haskel’s (Stanford University School of Medicine) study of 4600 men and women showed that moderate levels of activity increase the amount of High-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the blood.6 HDL’s remove cholesterol from the arteries and those people who tend to have heart attacks have low levels of HDL in their blood.

Dr. L. Howard Hartley (Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School), found that people who “regularly exercise reduce their levels of serum cholesterol and serum triglycerides.”7 He also found that the systolic blood pressure was reduced as well with those who had high blood pressure previously.

Oxygen saturation of the blood maintains itself best (as high as 95%) in more active individuals.8

Why choose rebounding?

All exercise increases circulation of the blood and lymph systems, yet these benefits are primarily enjoyed by the muscles engaged. This is demonstrated by the endless convolutions of the aerobic routine, which are bent on working every muscle ever named. In rebounding, every cell of the body experiences the gravitational effects of acceleration and deceleration. The gravitational force “at the top of the bounce is eliminated and the body becomes weightless for a fraction of a second. At the bottom of the bounce (when you touch the mat), the G-force suddenly doubles the ordinary gravity on earth, and internal organs are put under pressure. Their cellular stimulation is increased accordingly so that waste materials within the cells are squeezed out. The lymphatics carry the waste away to be disposed of through the urinary and other excretory mechanisms. Rebounding makes the body cleaner.”9 All areas of the body, on the surface and within the deep tissues of the internal organs, benefit from the activation of the lymph assisting in the removal of waste that may have been slowly building up over a period of time. With the pressurized removal of the waste surrounding our cells, a partial vacuum is created, causing the nutrients from the blood to be absorbed more readily into the cells needing the nourishment. We are freed of poisons that can deteriorate our health and we are supplied with the building blocks for repair and regeneration. These benefits begin as soon as you start bouncing.

Founders of Rebounding

Dr. Sneider is one of the founders of rebounding. His daughter practically grew up on trampolines and rebounders, and while she was a petite high school student, her muscles were so strong and coordinated that she could beat any boy in her school at arm wrestling! This shows that it is not necessary to build massive muscles for strength, coordination, and high-level athletic performance. Imagine how you can benefit from rebounding even a few minutes a day.

Benefits of Rebounding

Strengthens the heart muscle passively rather than through effort. The increased gravitational force causes greater contraction of the heart muscles and other muscles, which will gently increase their strength. The heart will be able to pump blood with greater force ensuring the nourishment of all 60 trillion cells in the body. The heart will also beat less at rest, lessening its wear and tear. Rebounding offers these benefits without overexertion.

Instant aerobic effects. The bone marrow is stimulated to increase red blood cell production, the carriers of oxygen throughout the body. The peripheral circulation is opened up and oxygen, nourishment, and waste removal reach deeper and farther. The lung capacity is increased by muscular movements of the diaphragm, which leads to chest expansion.

Internal organs are exercised. The processes of elimination and digestion will be enhanced.

Reduces fat and cellulite on the arms, legs, hips, and thighs. A strengthening and firmness will be experienced throughout the body.

Aids the lymphatic circulation, which is dependent on the movement of muscles, to expel the lymph from around the cells. This one benefit could lead to a reduction in the neck, back, and joint pains, general body weakness, and a number of common ills. Many people have quickly overcome the common cold and flu symptoms by gentle, frequent use of their rebounders at the onset of the illness.

Increased agility, coordination, and sense of balance.

Better sleep patterns and greater ability to relax.

Lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Hardening of the arteries is reversed, prevented, or diminished.10. Enhancement of mental performance and capacity to learn.11. Rejuvenation of a tired body.Improvement in vision. (Great for use with vision development and vision training activities)Maintain bone density.

A study of women over the age of 50 at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville found that those involved in gardening have higher bone density than those who get exercise through swimming, aerobics, dancing, and jogging. Yard work is a weight-bearing exercise, which helps prevent osteoporosis, a disease affecting over 25 million Americans, 80 percent of whom are women.

The most efficient weight-bearing exercise is rebounding, as it amplifies the gravitational field effects on the body. Originally developed through N.A.S.A. research, it stimulates bone tissue and immune functions that normally fail in zero gravity conditions.

“Those who rebound find themselves able to work without tiring, sleep better, eat more nutritionally and feel less tense.”10

5 Levels of Rebounder Activities according to the Wizard:

Level Purpose Activity

Flexibility Stretching without bounce prepares muscles to avoid strain.

Detoxification Gentle bounce for lymph drainage (active or passive).

Coordination Sensory-motor integration through rhythmic movement patterns.

Endurance Aerobic cardiovascular conditioning through speed and repetition.

Strength Musculoskeletal conditioning through increased bounce height.

A few testimonials to attest to the rebounders' achievements:

One woman was so debilitated by a series of several operations from which she hemorrhaged severely, that she could not even talk or walk much less stand. She placed her feet on the rebounder and her husband did the jumping. Within a few weeks, she was able to stand and bounce on her own and within several months her strength came back. She continued to rebound and overcame completely her previous malady and became pregnant. This was a great feat as she lost one ovary and three-quarters of the other during her illness.

Nancy Martin had chronic disequilibrium for 30 years. She fell down whenever she stood still. She also suffered from chronic discomfort in her hip at the site of an old injury. Cataracts were developing and beginning to affect her vision. All three difficulties improved dramatically with the rebounder. Her vision improved in three weeks, the hip pain disappeared and the disequilibrium improved radically.

Ethel Lane, 86 years old, restored impaired hearing.

Ed Pelegrini is in remission from pleural cancer, through the use of the rebounder. Pleural is a form of lung cancer that is difficult to cure. The doctors had given up hope and there was nothing left for him to do. Through Dr. Walker’s advice, he began to rebound, even though it was extremely painful and he was in such a weakened state. He started with a few minutes at a time and slowly built up to 30 minutes every other day. He says cancer patients make the mistake of not exercising because of the pain.

Cathy B., as a young girl, was plagued by a swelling in the lymph of her leg regularly once a month. The doctors tried everything but it was not until by chance she discovered the rebounder and her problem was solved. Her father had purchased the rebounder for himself at work, but the boss didn’t like it there so he brought it home. Cathy’s difficulty with her leg was embarrassing and painful and she found herself alone a lot. She started bouncing to pass the time. Her affliction didn’t appear at its regular time. The effects were confirmed when she went to grandma’s for three weeks and didn’t have the rebounder. The swelling came back with less severity and disappeared when she returned to exercising.

Peter Houck, president of Houck Industries, Inc., was introduced to the rebounder and after using it regularly for a period of time, was so pleased with the results that he decided to share his experience with his employees. He asked the founder of reboundology, Al Carter, to give a lecture-demonstration to his whole workforce. He purchased 52 rebounders in all. Mr. Houck had noticed many changes at his workplace:” a marked reduction in stress reactions among his employees. Production increased, people showed improved physical capabilities, they had uplifted spirits, felt more at peace, required fewer hours of sleep, generally looked healthier, acted more cheerfully at the workplace, there was a reduction in absenteeism and pulse rate and blood pressures of employees who were tested all reduced in readings.” 11

Rebounding can serve the exercise needs of a wide range of people: From children to the elderly to extremely fit individuals, or those tied to a desk or struggling with ill health. Anyone can experience a gentle return to health, a vigorous reclaiming of health, and a moderate sustaining of health with the rebounder. It usually takes half the time exercising to maintain fitness as it took to regain it. As a general rule, it takes 30 minutes of exercise three times a week to maintain health and a minimum of 30 minutes five times a week to regain it.

Covert Bailey suggests the following exercises and length of exercise per day for health:

Walking: 40 minutes,

Biking: 20 minutes,

Jogging: 15 minutes,

Nordic trak: 12 minutes.

The equivalent amount of time to receive the same health benefits with the rebounder is 12 minutes per day, and includes all the benefits of jogging and more without the wear and tear on the joints, plus the full body muscles involvement of the Nordic trak, plus an effect on every cell, because none of them can escape gravity.

At the pace of life today, some of us question which form of exercise will be most beneficial, with the least expenditure of time and inconvenience, yielding maximum results. You don’t need any special clothing to rebound, no track, no place to go. Just slip off your shoes or roll out of bed and start bouncing. With a lifetime guarantee on the frame, you are set for a joyful and fun way to keep your health as a lifetime friend.

Proven Fat Loss:

Rebounding Burns More Calories Than Jogging

Rebound exercise is “The most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.”

That statement was made in 1977 and published in Rebound to Better Health. Since then, that statement has been challenged by some of the best scientists in the world and endorsed by some of the best athletes. The results are always the same. When the learned take the time to understand the full implications of rebound exercise, they say, “Yup, you are right.”

N.A.S.A. confirms it: “…for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running, a finding that might help identify acceleration parameters needed for the design of remedial procedures to avert deconditioning in persons exposed to weightlessness.”12

One happy rebounder writes: “Seven years ago I was told by my doctor that I had lymphoma. It was at that time I started rebounding. I have been rebounding since then. I no longer have lymphoma, but I am not cured of rebounding. Thank you for writing the books, The Miracles of Rebound Exercise and The Cancer Answer.”

How Rebound Exercise Accomplishes Its Benefits

Scientific evidence suggests that jumping rope for ten minutes is as effective in conditioning the body as approximately thirty minutes of fast jogging. Rebounding or jumping on a miniature trampoline is similar to jumping rope except you don’t get the jarring effect to the ankles, knees, and low back that you do from hitting the solid ground.

Rebounding is an anti-gravity vertical action similar to jumping on a pogo stick, a diving board, or bouncing on a bed. Using a rebound device is a simplified and safer version of a giant-size trampoline. Rebounding is an exercise that reduces your body fat; firms your legs, thighs, abdomen, arms, and hips; increases your agility; improves your sense of balance; strengthens your muscles overall; provides an aerobic effect for your heart; rejuvenates your body when it’s tired, and generally puts you in a state of health and fitness.

You can easily perform this exercise in your living room, your office, and your yard. The traveler may wish to carry a portable rebounder aboard an airliner for use in a hotel room. It’s the most convenient, metabolically effective form of exercise around. In jumping on a well-made rebounder, the exerciser usually feels invigorated and filled with a sense of well-being. People who rebound find they’re able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological, because the action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.

Jumping’s Oxygenating Effect

Rebounding aerobics is working with gravity to cleanse your tissue cells and act as an oxygenator, which, in turn, lightens the load on the heart. Also, it’s fun to bounce! Much more than fun, however, rebounding provides a number of physiological pick-me-ups for the person who sustains this activity for at least ten minutes, four times a day, or for a single daily session for 40 minutes. As you bounce, your feet hit the mat with twice the force of gravity. Then just as the astronauts experience while floating in space, your body is in a state of weightlessness at the top of the bounce.

Jumping on the mini-trampoline is remarkably un-strenuous on the Joints. There’s no solid ground to suddenly stop the bouncing of your feet. Your movements are perfectly safe, and they make the effect of gravity beneficial. By working against constant gravitational pressure while bouncing, you resist the Earth’s pull. Your resistance is subtle, but it builds cellular strength. Rebounding’s alternating weightlessness and double gravity produce a pumping action that pulls out waste products from the cells and forces into them, oxygen and nutrition from the bloodstream.

If you have a resting heart rate of fewer than 60 beats a minute, don’t smoke, don’t have chest pain, live a healthful lifestyle, and engage in rebounding for 40 minutes or more each day, at least five days a week, theoretically, it’s not likely that you’ll ever develop a heart problem if you have none now. Jumping on a rebounder helps you to attain your heart rate target zone every day that you rebound for the recommended 40 minutes.

Rebound exercise strengthens your heart in two ways: It improves the tone and quality of the muscle itself, and it increases the coordination of the fibers as they wring blood out of the heart during each beat. The aerobic effect while you are rebound-jumping equals and often surpasses that of running.

Your rate of rebounding will vary, depending on how vigorously you bounce and how high you lift your feet off the mat. Rebound exercise offers the ideal aerobic effect with almost any rate of performance because it fills all the requisites of an oxygenating exercise. It’s likely that the vast amount of oxygen taken in by Dr. Samuel Kofsky over a sustained period was the true source of his cancer remission. Rebounding might be considered a precursor movement for better achieving the oxygen therapies.

The Detoxification Effect of Rebounding

The lymphatic system is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids you of toxins such as dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other assorted junk cast off by the cells. The movement performed in rebounding provides the stimulus for a free-flowing system that drains away these potential poisons.

Unlike the arterial system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. It has no heart muscle to move the fluid around through its lymph vessels. There are just three ways to activate the flow of lymph away from the tissues it serves and back into the main pulmonary circulation. Lymphatic flow requires muscular contraction from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts.

Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body. Then arterial blood enters the capillaries in order to furnish the cells with fresh tissue fluid containing food and oxygen. The bouncing motion effectively moves and recycles the lymph and the entire blood supply through the circulatory system many times during the course of the rebounding session.

Rebounding is a lymphatic exercise. As stated earlier, it has the same effect on your body as jumping rope, but without any jarring effect to the ankles, knees, and lower back that comes from hitting the ground. Better than rope jumping, however, the lymphatic channels get put under hydraulic pressure to move fluids containing waste products of metabolism around and out of the body through the left subclavian vein.

The 60-Second Bone Builder

Gentle health bouncing is great for your heart and stimulating your lymphatic system. Now here’s how to boost the bone-building power of rebounding in just 1 minute. In the middle of your rebounding workout simply perform a 60-second “Strength Jump” (high bounce). This will dramatically increase the G force and should be enough to signal bones to add mass.

Why Rebound?

It increases the capacity for respiration.

It circulates more oxygen to the tissues.

It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.

It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart’s load.

It tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.

It lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.

It holds off the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.

It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as the flow in the veins of the circulatory system.

It encourages collateral circulation.

It strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.

It allows the resting heart to beat less often.

It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

It stimulates metabolism.

It promotes body growth and repair.

It tones up the glandular system, especially the thyroid to increase its output.

It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.

It chemically attains the absolute potential of the cells.

It reserves bodily strength and physical efficiency.

It expands the body’s capacity for fuel storage and endurance.

It improves coordination through the transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.

It affords muscular vigor from increased muscle fiber tone.

It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.

It enhances digestion and elimination processes.

It allows for better and easier relaxation and sleep.

It results in better mental performance, with keener learning processes.

It curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.

It minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.

It tends to slow down aging.

It reduces the likelihood of obesity.

Activities Evaluation Chart

Columns 2-4 show approximate calorie use per hour for each body weight Point Scale for columns 5-8: 1 = Poor 3 = Good 5 = Excellent Activity114 lb.154 lb.194 lb.







Jumping rope5907509303151



Bicycling 10 mph3604204805313

Walking outside3003604203115

As seen on network TV

As seen on the Donnie and Marie Osmond Show, the Sally show and in Prevention Magazine (March 2000), Crunch Fitness, (“… one of the most innovative gym chains in the nation.” according to Cosmopolitan (November 1997) decided to bring Urban Rebounding™ into its gyms. With locations on the East Coast, California and Japan, Crunch is gaining major media exposure.

The Soft- Bounce Rebounders are the top quality available, and the difference in the feeling of the experience is amazing. The 36 specially engineered 4″ long tapered springs provide a noticeably smoother bounce, compared to cheap, stock uniform-sized springs used by other manufacturers. The mat material is Permatron which does not stretch like cheaper nylon designs. The spring-loaded legs and folding frame allow for easy storage and portability. Five-year warranty on the mat and ten years on the hinges. A carrying case for travel or storage is included with the folding model.

N.A.S.A. has stated this exercise to be 68% more efficient than running. Rebounding on these soft-bounce mini trampolines is 87% shock-free. They feel much smoother than cheap models found at retail stores. It strengthens all your muscles, and even strengthens your immune system by increasing lymphatic circulation in your body. This helps generate more white blood cells, a key element of the immune system. Rebounding naturally improves balance and it does not have an impact on your joints like jogging. Great at nearly every age, the workout can be customized to your physical condition. The exercise can be aerobic with movements designed to strengthen specific muscle groups.


1 Walker, Morton. Jumping for Health, 1989. p 80.

2 Walker, p 7.

3 Walker, p 22.

4 Walker, p 28.

5 Walker, p 30.

6 Walker, p 31.

7 Walker, p 31.

8 Walker, p 22

9 Walker, p 114.

10 Walker, p 7.

11 Walker, p 91.

12 N.A.S.A., Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5): 881-887, 1980

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected] 

PO Box 126

Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.