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Lava Cracks

East Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Crevices in the earth form near the Rift Zone of the most active volcano on Earth, as the land to our South (the unstable side of this fault line), sinks under the massive weight of the newest land on Earth, being deposited daily whenever the lava is flowing into the ocean… And this is a fact you will easily detect when heading to the beach, as you will see the cloud-like plume rising a thousand feet in the air. At night if you get closer to the plume you may see it lit up by the red glow of lava exploding as it hits cool ocean water, as well as with internal lightning, electrical discharges traveling through plasma (ionized gas). It is reminiscent of the Shekinah Glory, the Earthly presence of the Creator, which appears as a pillar of smoke by day, and a pillar of fire by night.

When surface lava flows pool up temporarily forming a lava lake, we sometimes even see the red glow reflected in the clouds from our cozy vantage point at The Shire, some five miles away. Now doesn’t that make you feel safe? It’s actually one of the safest volcanoes on the planet because it rarely builds up pressure to produce an explosive eruption. You can often walk right up to a lava flow if you can stand the heat… I wonder why the banks and insurance companies refuse to do Orc business here…

Aerial view of a lava lake atop the Kūpaʻianahā vent on the east rift zone of Kilauea Volcano. This lava lake has since solidified, but two other lava lakes currently exist on Kilauea. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

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[*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.