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Explore Quantum Healing with PEMF Frequencies

We all know that ionizing radiation and even electromagnetic fields can be harmful...

To learn more about the issue with a focus on solutions, you can get a copy of the updated edition of my first book Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions which I started writing in the 1980s...

The reality is that frequencies each have specific and unique quantum resonance effects...

In our last issue, we introduced the powerful energy-regulating health effects of epigenetic Information...

Energy regulates chemistry, which in turn rebuilds our bodies' structure in time...

The body, like matter itself, is actually a flow form... like a standing wave.

Each specific frequency carries a corresponding quantum of energy according to the equation:

Energy (E) = Planck's constant (h) x Frequency (the Greek letter nu, which looks like the letter v)

The natural terrestrial environment of our ancestors, and of other animal species, is dominated by Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) along with sunlight...

Our modern man-made environments are full of a wide range of technically generated frequencies from WIFI, Cell Phones, and also ELF from electric wiring and electronic devices...

Unfortunately, when electric power was invented, the frequencies chosen to distribute it were stress-inducing frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz, depending on what part of the world you live in...

Today, those frequencies are measurable in the ionosphere and are the dominant frequencies humans make when asked to spontaneously generate a vocal tone...

When the manned space program began, it was soon observed that space sickness could only be prevented by simulating the Earth's PEMF environment, known as the Schumann field, within the space capsule...

How much of our increasing sickness as a culture is now due to the sickness of the energy fields that permeate the space we live in?

One way - perhaps the only one - to really prove for yourself is to see how much healthier you can be with daily exposure to healing patterns of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) like NASA uses to prevent space sickness and heal astronauts during space travel...

Space-age medicine has arrived...

Discover Space Age Energy Medicine

We invite you to learn about a powerful new approach to restoring health and maintaining wellbeing, that you can use right in your own home…

Energy Medicine is an important piece of our Accelerated Self-Healing approach… We use an array of PEMF devices at Healing Oasis, including: Rife (our own GS-1 design made in Hawaii) Magnetosette (German) BEMER (Swiss) miHealth (British) OMI (Hungarian) We recommend that holistic health professionals and, when possible, self-healers consider adding instruments like the last three to their own Healing Oasis... Healing Oasis has added multiple remote wellness programs to support your in-home or remote office-based wellness plan wherever you are located around the world…

Today, we are launching the availability of these powerful healing systems to you through us, so we can support you in effective implementation…

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Which System is Right for You?

Sometimes, the hardest part of healing is choosing which path to take...

That's why we are here...

Instead of leaving you all alone to search for solutions, we can help you understand your choices, and help guide you to one that is optimal for you right now...

We also stand behind our recommendations, with support, training, and coaching every step of the way...

Because that is what we would want if we were in your position...

We look forward to discussing your needs and working together to formulate a personal plan for your Accelerated Self-Healing process...

The perfect way to start right now, if you are ready to take action, and would like our help, is to take us up on an offer of a Free Discovery Session...

Act now, while we are offering it for Free.

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Comparing a range of PEMF healing devices...

How to choose?

Each healing tool has its particular advantages and limitations...

Ideally, we would like to have access to all of them, each for their own special reasons...

But, let's say you can only start with one...

Which one will give you the most benefits for your particular healing needs?

The most researched device is the BEMER...

When the German government-funded comparison between a number of leading PEMF devices in 2010 by the Berlin Institute for Microcirculation, the BEMER won hands down...

And further research at the Institute led to major advances in the frequency pattern that is now used, and which NASA has contracted to incorporate into future space suits...

When it is possible to put a BEMER in the budget, that is our first recommendation...

When it is not possible, we can consider whether the OMI is an appropriate choice...

One of the special features offered by the OMI is the ability to explore selected frequencies from 1 Hz to 99 Hz... That includes specific brain wave frequencies, Schumann frequencies, and some frequencies with great healing potential predicted by our Clinical Theory of Everything...

If this kind of exploratory research is what you are looking for, be sure to download a free copy of my new book that lays out the effects that have been observed at these frequencies...

Another very helpful feature of the OMI mat is that it is the most affordable of these PEMF devices, so it helps us to help many people who are not able to get a BEMER and/or a miHealth...

The third option to consider, the miHealth, is really in a different category, and when possible, makes an ideal addition to either the BEMER or an OMI mat...

As an integral part of the NES system, the miHealth doubles as a scanning device while providing a wide range of targetted PEMF programs...

The miHealth is extremely portable...

Many Olympic athletes calling it their 'pocket doctor.'

The miHealth also features a microcurrent mode, which is particularly effective with chronic issues...

If you ever watched Star Trek and dreamed of healing with something like a Tricorder, this is it...

The future of medicine really has arrived...

Clinical research shows a remarkable 93% effectiveness at the full range of clinical issues when applying the miHealth device...

In addition to guiding the use of programs built into the miHealth, the WellNES scan by your miHealth will also show you which
Infoceutical information medicine drops to put in your morning drinking water for amazing results...

Now, if you need a little help choosing the right system or combination of approaches to optimize your Accelerated Self-Healing results, that's what we are here for...

So, please do be in touch with all your health questions and wellness needs...

How Does Energy Heal?

Life is dynamic...

One billion chemical reactions take place in each of the 90 trillion cells in your body every second of the day...

Each one of those reactions is actually has a characteristic frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum because it is a specific quantum energy exchange between the reacting substances...

Those frequencies are how a scientific laboratory can identify different chemistries...

It's even how we can detect what distant stars are made of...

Nobel Prize-winner Albert Szent-Giyorgyi, who discovered Vitamin C, said that every vitamin, mineral, enzyme, and hormone is turned on and off on the order of 500% by those specific resonant frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum...

To support and stimulate particular healing processes in the body, we use electromagnetic frequencies in a variety of forms including various colors of visible light, and different parts of the infrared spectrum...

We also use Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF), microcurrent, and even frequencies imprinted into a liquid carrier for oral use...

Choosing Your Quantum Medicine...

In the perfect situation, we would all be perfectly healthy in a healthy environment, eating nutritious foods, drinking living water, and breathing pure clean air loaded with anti-oxidant life-giving negative ions...

In over 30 years, I have only encountered one 'client' who resembled that situation...

That client was a remote client I tested for my family halfway around the world...

And it turned out that they were also testing me...

You see they had a sick horse, but the owner was a Medical Doctor specializing in rehabilitation, and she cared for her horses like they were her patients or like family...

But being an M.D., she was skeptical about my remote testing system, which is completely understandable...

So she sent two samples for testing: one from a sick horse, and the other from the prize stallion...

She wanted to see if I could tell which one was the sick horse, before implementing the healing program I would formulate for that horse...

Well, the stallion was, I guess, truly as healthy as a horse, since it was the only test out of many, many thousands of tests, that was entirely in perfect balance...

The sick horse needed a number of specific natural remedies to optimize the ongoing self-healing processes...

The beauty of adding frequency modalities like PEMF to the self-healing situation is how much they can speed up the process...

You see, aging and degeneration of the body are really just a matter of our innate healing going slower than the ongoing stress and damage...

When we can speed up our healing enough, we literally reverse aging and degenerative changes...

That's why in space travel, where there are serious issues with things like bone loss and reduction of immune function, NASA has recently contracted with BEMER to incorporate their well-researched solutions for increasing lymph and blood circulation by about 30%...

Considering how our circulation decreases with aging, that is equivalent to about 40 years of reverse aging...

And that is why the technology is so critical for people with blinding eye diseases, since the retina is the most oxygen demanding tissue in the body, and the crystalline lens of the eye is the densest protein, making it ultra-sensitive to regional circulation, even more than the avascular tissues of the joints...

IS Weekly Magazine...

Aloha from the Editor,

IS stands for Inspired Solutions for Wellness...

In this issue, we introduce you to remarkable space-age healing technologies based on Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF)...

IS Weekly is a publication of Healing Oasis Publishing, headquartered on the Healing Island of Hawai'i...

Our mission is to serve all your health and wellness needs in order to enhance your quality of life and extend your longevity...

I look forward with humble anticipation to being your Wizard of Wellness...


(Rev. Dr. Glen Swartwout)

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected] 

PO Box 126

Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.