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Ending Blindness in 2020...

This chart shows reduction of Macular Edema in 3 months:

We've been busy...

Three years ago we were inspired to create innovative solutions for ending the major causes of blindness by the year 2020...

Eyes rarely get sick in a perfectly healthy body...

And sick eyes absolutely require optimal body functions to achieve their potential to heal and regenerate...

Restoring function demands optimum access to nutrients and life-giving compounds from nature, as well as efficient elimination of wastes and toxins...

Your eyes include the most sensitive and finely tuned nerve and muscle functions...

making visual functions like focusing and coordinating the eyes to perform at school, work, and sports...

Your retina is more metabolically active than any other part of your body... and when the central vision breaks down, Macular Degeneration is what medical texts call the leading cause of irreversible blindness in our culture...

Yet, we have been helping our readers, patients, and clients prevent, control, and even reverse these changes for 35 years...

Think of all the processes needed to get essential nutrients to your eyes:

Digestion... Absorption... Immunity... Respiration... Circulation... Metabolism...

Clarity of the eye's lens is one of the strongest predictors of longevity... and the densest protein in the body, making it the most challenging to detoxify... 

Many functions are required for effective detoxification including:

Cellular Energy... Cellular Enzymes... Immune Function... Drainage... Elimination...

And the role of the mind and spirit are equally as important as these physiological functions that they help to guide and direct.

Viewed in full context, the coherent integration of all body functions allows your capacity for healing to keep up with the maintenance of the body bio-suit in which we have this spiritual experience of life...

The innate healing capacity is then able to progress to healing incomplete processes of cleansing and repair leftover as scars of the past...

That is why our products and programs are designed to simultaneously support and stimulate multiple pathways of healing related to the body's active stress patterns, whether identified by signs and symptoms, or by the many systems of biocommunication that we specialize in at Healing Oasis.

Client Joy Dettling shares her experience with Accelerated Self-Healing for pigmentary glaucoma. She is using EVOX vocal frequency biofeedback electronically through her meridians along with our botanical/nutritional functional formulations guided by multiple methods of Biofield Analysis to identify her body's remedy matches in real-time. An example of her clinical results is shown above...

Find Your Remedies at RemedyMatch.com...

Our new online store helps you find the perfect remedies for your wellness needs…

We have developed over 100 pure, potent, and practical formulations for the varied needs of our consulting clients over the past 3 years...

These formulas are clean and concentrated, and much more comprehensive than any others we have found in the past 35 years… We use zero additives or excipients like stearates, binders, fillers, artificial colorings or flavors, phthalates or anything else to compromise the integrity and effectiveness of these powerful healing remedies...

The feedback from our own clients as well as the doctors testing our formulations has been very gratifying...

And now that we are making them available to you, we look forward to your healing experiences as well!

Simply enter your keyword or search term in the search bar at the top of the page, and see what we have created for you!

Get Started Right Now

Frequency Specific Microcurrent

In addition to remedies that supply material substances for the body's healing, we rely equally on energy and information as medicine...

That's why you'll find Infoceuticals from NES based in London on our Remedy Match site alongside our botanical-nutritional complexes...

You'll also find a complement of healing tools using visible light, infrared frequencies, Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies, and Microcurrent...

I am compelled to write you precisely at this time, despite our very full agenda, because a remarkable new instrument is bringing disruptive self-healing technology right now from Europe for Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)...

It is called Healy...

And I encourage you to get yours this month while you can get the top-of-the-line Resonance model for about $1000 off the regular $2357 price (with code "EditionHR"), since they are just now introducing it to the States...

And if the $1413 price tag is out of reach right now, at least get the basic model for $470, which will be upgraded to the $942 Holistic Health model (with code "EditionHHH"), and you can qualify for additional free automatic upgrades by helping reach more people who can benefit from this remarkable, and wearable healing technology...

92% of people who try the Healy experience results, and you can let them try yours!

With the Healy system, there are other optional software functions for working with diet and wearable wristwatch hardware that can be added by subscription, but the core device and functionality have zero ongoing monthly costs...

Specialized FSM treatments can be obtained from practitioners worldwide and downloaded right into your Healy, and additional healing tools are in the pipeline from this well-established European company.

Please be sure to complete our online application, so when you have questions, we'll be prepared to help you, starting with saving you about $500 to $1,000 with the right upgrade code at checkout!

Self-healing doesn't mean you have to figure it out all alone...

Learn More About Healy...

The video above features the TimeWaver company that makes the Healy.

Here's a link to my video playlist about the Healy device...

In the first short video, Zac Deane describes some of his first 100 times sharing the Healy scan and application of the individually adapted Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Biocommunication, including a case experiencing immediate improvement in vision...

FSM facilitates healing at all levels of body, mind, and immortal spirit, and is particularly important in macular regeneration.

Introducing our new Coaching System...

With all the product development, remote client coaching, and consulting, we are taking steps to increase the capabilities of our coaching system...

Our new online coaching and consulting portal will facilitate expanding the number of clients and health care practices we can serve, while still fostering the tailored experience that is the hallmark of our approach...

Key developments will include:

  • Group Coaching opportunities, allowing members to benefit from the experience of other participants
  • Wellness and Vision Coach training and certification
  • Practitioner training and certification
  • Community interaction and feedback, where you are in control of whether each posting you make is open to our private community or only visible to yourself, your coaches, and practitioners.

We invite you to get on board right now while this system is still being formed, so you can be an integral part of its creation!

For completing our online application this month, we will create your membership account and waive all setup fees...

Plus, while we have time available this month, let's get together for a complimentary 15 minute Discovery Session to identify how we can best support your wellness needs right now... 

Apply Here

Practitioner Spotlight:

Dr. Todd Wylie

Since the AMA approved Integrative Medicine as a medical specialty, there is an increasing number of physicians who are incorporating functional, biological, and natural methods to improve health outcomes.

As cutting-edge doctors begin applying our formulations in practice, we are seeing many remarkable benefits.

One such doctor is Todd Wylie, O.D. in Spokane, Washington.

Among the many successes he has reported is a glaucoma patient whose visual field data is shown above. 

Previously, her vision was deteriorating, with no hope of slowing using only conventional methods.

In 6 months, by adding our system of Accelerated Self-Healing, she has actually recovered nearly half of the vision she had previously lost!

If your favorite health care practitioner likes to think outside the box to find safe, effective, natural solutions to today's complex health challenges, they may enjoy exploring the gems we offer...

Feel free to share this newsletter with them, and they can click the link below to access our practitioner application form.

Practitioner Application

Dr. Todd Wylie is a Doctor of Optometry in Spokane, Washington. He incorporates Vision Therapy, Syntonic Optometry, Nutrition, PEMF, and other advanced healing modalities to help his patients maximize their vision potential...

Welcome to IS 'Weekly' Magazine...


The name "IS" stands for Inspired Solutions...

And compared to the most recent issue, we are 3 years closer to achieving our eventual aim of publishing on a weekly schedule!

(I need to formulate a time supplement when I get a chance)

In the previous issue, 3 years ago, we introduced our WellNES System from Great Britain, which had been 2 years in implementation...

Since then we have added remote healing systems developed with the Zyto, based in the States. 

The EVOX vocal frequency biofeedback system for Perception Reframing has been amazing, and everyone should at least complete the Transgenerational Reframing process, in which you clear any restricting epigenetic inheritance from your parents and grandparents...

This is a key process in German New Medicine that allows us all to respond better to other natural therapies...

We are also developing proprietary software on the Zyto Elite platform to test remote clients over the internet based on our Biofield Analysis system using a hierarchical diagnostic protocol that can go up to 4 levels in depth to balance the body's stress responses in real-time with our functional formulations.

And right now we are in the process of adding another European system for remote testing and healing called CoRe Inergetix which we are programming to add the ability to test resonance with our new product line without the need for any technology at the remote client end.

As you can see we are constantly improving our Accelerated Self-Healing programs, and we invite you to join us by applying for a complimentary session and if you can, to save $1000 this month on the remarkable Healy system which will allow you to test and treat yourself on a daily basis.

I remain in your service...


© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected] 

PO Box 126

Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.