Here's the executive summary:
Access to the highest quality of biological information is the most fundamental requirement for sustaining or restoring health...
Information guides the flow of energy, which regulates chemistry, which in turn builds and rebuilds your body's structure over the course of time...
In 30 days you have completely new skin...
In 100 days, you have completely new blood...
In 10 years, even the minerals making up your bones have turned over...
The sooner you begin guiding those processes with the best information, the sooner you will be instituting essential course corrections for your future health and longevity...
Learn how Telemedicine and Home Health Care are converging on disruptive change in the Healing Field...
Explore Space Age
Information Medicine
We invite you to experience a new Wellness System, without leaving home…
As you may be aware, we have been involved in telemedicine and home-based healing for many years now…
In recent years, new systems of biocommunication using the internet have become available that allow us to help you and your loved ones more efficiently than our original proprietary methods that are carried out by hand…
An important part of our mission is to train and support other healers and health practitioners in the application of our Clinical Theory, using telemedicine healing systems...
Healing Oasis has added multiple remote wellness programs to support your in-home or remote office-based wellness plan wherever you are located around the world…
Today, we are publicly launching the availability of the first of those systems, called WellNES…
How Do Your Cells Know How to Heal?
Did you ever wonder what your body would say if it could talk?
Your body is in constant electronic communication with nerve signals and every other kind of cellular energy…
Your body is fundamentally self-regulating and self-healing, and it does an amazing job…
Often in spite of the interventions of our ‘health care’ systems, which focus on disease and dysfunction…
With very little attention to health and performance…
What if you could do a space-age scan of all your body’s inner workings, like with a tricorder on Star Trek?
Or like your mechanic does with your car when you take it into the shop to see what areas need a tune-up?
Guess what?
That’s what we are doing now with state of the art Information Medicine…
A company from London, England developed the system that communicates with your body electric over the internet…
(So you don’t even have to fly to Hawaii to work with us unless you really want to…)
That company is called NES, which stands for Nutri-Energetic Systems…
And they developed a neat little body energy field Scanner that plugs right into your Mac or PC computer…
With their FREE desktop software, you can scan your body’s energy field responses to over 150 key functional patterns, and upload your data to your NES practitioner (that would be us at Healing Oasis!), all in less than one minute…
Now you can identify in real time how charged, depleted or distorted your body’s energy field is…
You will be able to learn which organs (called Drivers) need more energy to drive them to peak performance, and which meridians (called Integrators) are working overtime to Integrate all the information they carry…
You will discover the particular susceptibilities (called Terrains) in your energetic environment, and which functional systems (called Stars) are challenged as well…
You even observe particular indicators related to your brain (called Brain Holograms) and your psyche (for example Emotional Stress Relief - who couldn’t use some of that right now?)…
And the solutions NES offers are super-powerful and easy to use…
Such as putting drops of liquid information (called an Infoceutical) in your morning glass of water…
That's solution #1...
Or a handheld healing device (called miHealth) that sends you the information you need to heal faster by using Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) through the air, or microcurrent directly through contact with your skin…
That's solution #2...
Don’t worry - we’ll fill you in on your options as you get started…
I’ve put together an 11-day email course to automatically bring you up to speed on everything you might need or want to know…
That way, you can learn as you go, or refer back later whenever you need to...
So, how much does it cost to see how this WellNES system works?
Normal price:
$235 Scanner
Free Scan
$37 Report
$87 Consultation
$359 Total
Our special launch offer for you right now:
NES Scanner
Your cost: only $97
And you get to keep the scanner to use as many times as you want…
Not only that, but we’ve got you covered with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
And once you get to experience this WellNES System, we’ll be offering you special affordable launch price options for several levels of monthly support…
Including a free level… ;-)
Who is offering you this special launch deal?
We are a clinic in Hawai’i that’s actually the only certified NES center in the Hawaiian Islands, out of more than 4,000 NES practitioners worldwide…
And because you can do this whole process from your own home or office (as long as you have an internet connection)…
You could be anywhere in the world and take advantage of our offer…
Healing Oasis was founded by Susan ‘Rae’ Luscombe, a holistic esthetician and life coach, who publishes and promotes the work of Rev. Dr. Glen Swartwout…
Dr. Glen spent many years practicing as a holistic eye doctor and has written a dozen books on natural healing…
You will get to spend some quality time getting to know Rae and Dr. Glen on your online consultation session, which is included in this awesome package…
Just check out the video and details at the link below to learn more...
Introducing our new WellNES System...
How does it work?
We are truly entering the Information Age in the field of self-healing...
We have begun to understand how your genetic code is read according to the epigenetic information in your cells' receptive fields...
Based on 30 years of exploratory research with German electrophysiological methods like those we have developed at Healing Oasis, NES Health (based in London) has formulated a range of Infoceuticals...
These are incredibly potent information drops that you place in your morning drinking water to Accelerate Self-Healing...
With a simple Scanner device connected to your computer, you can upload a scan of your total energetic information system to us via the internet in less than a minute...Your scanner will work with both Mac and Windows PC computers via the Free NES desktop software program...
Once your scan is uploaded, our professional ProVision software analyzes your functional patterns...
You can even use your Scanner to help animals, as we have the ProVision Animal software for analyzing scans of your cat, your dog, or even your horse...
The WellNES system can also be expanded to include Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) and Microcurrent modalities to deliver specific individually tailored healing information without ever leaving home...
This is accomplished with the amazing miHealth device, which is about the size of a cell phone for complete portability and ease...
We invite you to click on the link below to learn more about our remarkable new WellNES system...
And you will be fully covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee!
By getting your WellNES system right now, you can save big on our special launch package...
When you are ready to get started on this most fundamental informational level of health promotion, just click the button below right now to take advantage of our special launch package while supplies last at this price...
In future newsletters, we will look at how we can guide your application of energies and material nutrients as well with related space-age biocommunication technologies, some of which were developed specifically for NASA and other space agencies...
How Can Information Heal?
Our consciousness, including linguistic categories like identification of symptoms and diagnoses, is estimated to involve a processing power of about 40 bits per second...
The subconscious information entering the brain is estimated at about 10 billion times that amount of data...
And then there is the unconscious information processing that occurs locally in each of the 90 or so trillion cells in your body...
Realize that this epigenetic biocommunication between each of your cells and its energetic environment regulates about 20,000 genes just coding for proteins alone...
In all, there are about a billion chemical reactions every second in each of your body's cells...
Each of those reactions represents a specific quantum energy exchange with a characteristic frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum...
In fact, it is the unique fingerprints of frequency interactions that give us the information in a scientific laboratory to be able to identify one mineral or compound from another...
As Nobel Prize-winning chemist Albert Szent-Giyorgyi, the discoverer of Vitamin C, described it, every vitamin, mineral, enzyme, and hormone is turned on and off on the order of 500% by specific frequencies of light...
You can think of every part of your body at every fractal level being like a radio channel that sends and receives its corresponding program of information on certain frequency bands, which are also sent and received by other radio transmitter-receivers tuned to resonate at some of those same frequencies...
So, while in the materialist conception of medicine, we may take a blood sample and measure the levels of some 20 chemicals, the human body-field is a summation of the active chemical reactions of the entire body, including the 10,000 species in its microbiome...
That means that bioenergetic testing, or biocommunication, is inherently a holistic process that represents your body as a whole...
Now, once we realize that we can essentially wiretap into the body's own communication system through its energy field, what can we do to correct any imbalances or distortions we may find?
Well, information can be applied in many different forms, such as natural materials like foods, nutrients, and herbs, or in non-material forms like Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF), microcurrent, light, thoughts, and affirmations, or even imprinted into an aqueous solution containing carriers such as trace minerals...
So, since we now have the technology to put healing information into an aqueous medium, how much information can a drop of water hold?
A whole lot, that's for sure...
Think of how much information you can now fit on a little thumb drive...
And what kind of power can information assert over the material world?
Just look at the power of today's world of cell phones, computers, and internet telecommunications and you can get some idea...
Or just imagine trying to find your way in the world without GPS or a map...
Or maybe building a skyscraper without a blueprint...
Your body also functions according to an information blueprint, and when that gets disrupted, it can be hard to get your health back on track...
Now there's a simple and powerful solution.
Understanding Spirit and Healing in the Quantum Age...
In Medieval times, scholars like Thomas Aquinas attempted to explore the relationship between the material world and the immaterial or angelic realm...
St. Thomas asked, for example, in the Summa Theologica (in the year 1270) "Can several angels be in the same place?"
The now-famous question "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" actually dates from the 17th century, as an accusation that such medieval scholars some 4 centuries before were pursuing frivolous lines of reasoning...
In fact, since science entered the age of quantum dynamics about a century ago, the 7 centuries-old inquiries about the fundamental nature of the non-material aspects of existence have become more relevant than ever...
For example, if we consider that angels are the divine thoughts that underly all creation, we can now begin to answer the questions of the Angelic Doctor in a meaningful way...
The strange behaviors of the quantum world are the strange behaviors of the spiritual world as well...
In modern physics, when the wave function collapses into a localized quantum form, two material objects cannot occupy the same space...
But in the non-localized form, that same quantum energy can occupy the same space as other energy fields and even material objects as well...
What's more, even a localized quantum object, such as an electron, can bilocate in two places at one time, and teleport from one location to another, without traversing the space in between...
But how is all this physics of the very small relevant at the scale of the human body?
Well, in life, the biological body is also the home of the human spirit, the conscious body which is immortal...
That spirit body is made, according to our Clinical Theory of Everything, of condensates of the transition minerals...
What is that?
Condensates are a state of matter, separate and very different in their properties from solid, liquid, gas or plasma...
There are many types of condensates, including condensates of photons of light, which were discovered in 2010...
The original studies back in the 1990s were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 for showing that Bose-Einstein Condensates exist, as originally proposed by two physicists, Bose and Einstein.
In a future newsletter, we will introduce you to our new line of Energetic Solutions to stimulate your conscious body to build itself with the full spectrum of spirit minerals...
We call this line of liquid supplements the 'Holy Grail' because these are the superconductive, superfluid mineral vessels that hold the function of consciousness...
By the way, our favorite quote from the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas is framed on the wall at Healing Oasis as our mission statement:
"The power of nutrition enables one to exercise the senses and from sensory experience, the intellect gains concepts and so the will is freed to choose."
Welcome to IS Weekly...
Aloha from the Editor,
The name "IS" reflects our Clinical Theory of Everything in which all that is is ultimately understood as a unitary verb, a universe...
IS also stands for Inspired Solutions, which is our focus in this publication...
Since we are just starting out and must continue to divide our time and other limited resources over a broad range of projects, we expect that we will only be publishing intermittently as we work toward our eventual target of a weekly schedule...
For this issue, we are introducing our new WellNES System, which has been 2 years in the making...
If you have an idea for a topic you would like to see us cover, we invite you to let us know at one of the contacts below...
IS Weekly is a publication of Healing Oasis Publishing, headquartered on the Healing Island of Hawai'i...
We look forward to serving your health and wellness needs in order to help you enhance your quality of life and extend your potential for longevity...
We invite you to make this process dynamic by engaging with the innovative products, services, and technologies we bring to your attention that are helping so many other self-healers, caregivers, and health practitioners in their quest for Accelerated Self-Healing...
As your author and editor, I also look forward to interacting as your Wizard of Wellness...
(Rev. Dr. Glen Swartwout)