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It is often associated with other Phase 1 (blocked energy metabolism), System 2 (blood and immune function) issues including Hepatitis C (80%) and other viral issues, blood cancers, and other Phase 1, System 2 autoimmune issues including Sjogren’s, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, in which immune dysregulation could be triggered by Mercury (Hg), other toxins in combination with xenobiotic stressors.

Preventive Considerations

The causes and their prevention are not medically known, but Cryoglobulinemia is a blockage of circulation due to the clumping of immune proteins and blood with decreased tissue temperature. Cryoglobulinemia is associated with many Phase 1 autoimmune and viral diseases, therefore intracellular detoxification and restoration of cellular energy function should be considered. Avoid cold temperatures and use FIR to counteract exposures to help prevent protein clumping. Normalizing both hyperimmune reactivity and hypo-immunity in relation to viruses and other xenobiotics with natural immune modulators (rather than simply blocking immune function with immunosuppressant drugs) would appear to make clinical sense while following the Hippocratic oath to first do no harm (primum non nocere).

Therapeutic Concepts

Temperature regulation: Increase temperature in affected tissue with FIR with acute symptoms, since protein clumping is reversible with increased thermal energy. FIR penetrates into tissues, unlike other forms of sauna. Ultimately, intracellular detoxification for correcting the underlying metabolic blockages that are resulting in low tissue energy production and thermal regulatory capacity will be essential to reversing the hidden causes of thermal sensitivity.

Inflammation: Clean up dental issues, and check C-reactive protein to rule out inflammatory foci. Modulate hyperimmune reactivity. Consider potential botanical medicines, such as phytosterols, bioflavonoids, willow bark rather than synthetic NSAIDs, Rx steroids, and immunosuppressive drugs. Toxic load reduction and support for the elimination of key toxins may help remove underlying causes of inflammation. MORA Therapy is an energetic form of plasmapheresis that can help clean up the biological terrain.

Infection: Consider natural anti-viral remedies if there is an associated viral condition. Restoring cellular energy metabolism by the mitochondria is crucial in moving out of Phase 1 terrain that allows viral activity. Autoimmune reactions are often associated with a combination of a toxin and a biological vector, so addressing underlying multifactorial potential causes is ideal. For cell memory of past viral association or trigger, consider Post Virotox complex homeopathic remedy.

Blood terrain: Consider remedies that reduce blood viscosity and clotting tendency including nattokinase (breaks up blood clots), ginkgo (opens blood vessels), coenzyme Q10 (lowers blood viscosity), EPA/DHA (reduces viscosity and clotting), Padma 28 (helps peripheral artery disease). slow-release Niacin (reduces high triglycerides and fibrinogen), and Vitamin E (reduces clotting). Systemic alkalinity helps reduce blood viscosity and also improves Oxygen availability, so consider alkaline-forming foods, Calcium, Microwater, and other alkalinizing remedies. Consider the Paleo diet. Consider TMG (the best methyl donor of all the B vitamin family) to reduce vascular damage from homocysteine by recycling it into SAMe. Antioxidant and antiglycation protection is potentially protective as well. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other negative nutrients and stressors. Consider L-Carnosine if blood sugar dysregulation is a factor.

Drugs: If medical treatment is ongoing, consider 7-Keto as a safe metabolite to reduce inflammation, side effects, and the need for prescription steroids. Also, consider Interferons in homeopathic form.

Materia Medica of Potential Remedies

7-Keto: 7-Keto is a DHEA metabolite that does not affect other hormone levels, but has been shown to reduce prescribed dosages of prednisone in multiple studies. 7-Keto is available over the counter, while prednisone has many adverse side effects.

Acetyl L-Carnosine: This bioavailable source of the dipeptide Carnosine protects against glycation damage in cases where sugar dysregulation is an issue. Carnosine is typically deficient in vegetarian diets.

Adrenal extract: Adrenal extracts of cows, pigs, or sheep have been suggested with autoimmune issues. Homeopathic form from biodynamically raised animals should be safer.

Alizarin: a red quinone from the Rubiaceae family may benefit viral issues.

Astaxanthin: Astaxanthin is a xanthophyll, a type of carotenoid pigment with suggested therapeutic potential with autoimmune issues.

Beta-sitosterol: Beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol glucoside have been studied for immune modulation (suppression of hyperimmune responses and increased immunity against infectious agents).

Biotin: The B vitamin Biotin may be beneficial, but antioxidant therapy with biotin, vitamins A-E, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper, magnesium, folic acid, and coenzyme Q10 did not improve survival rates for hepatitis.

Bupleurum chinense: This botanical related to the Apiaceae and Umbelliferae (carrot) families has 2,000 years of clinical use with hepatitis, cirrhosis, and inflammatory issues, plus a positive clinical trial and clinical reports with chronic hepatitis.

Calcium: MCHA Calcium doubles absorption supplemental and dietary Calcium by stimulating activation of a second Calcium absorption pathway, which actively absorbs Calcium. Calcium is the dominant alkalizing buffer macromineral. Alkalinity keeps the blood from getting too thick and keeps Oxygen available to help restore efficient cellular respiration.

Choline: This B vitamin has been researched for acute viral hepatitis.

Chromium: Trivalent Chromium taken with Copper may reduce immune reactions.

Cnicus benedictus: Blessed thistle, a member of the Asteraceae/Compositae family can be considered if hepatoprotection is needed.

Coenzyme Q10: Co Q10 reduces blood viscosity and stimulates oxidative respiration in the mitochondria.

Coleus forskohlii: Forskolin extracted from the root of Coleus forskohlii is a possible treatment for autoimmune diseases. Avoid in active bleeding.

Copper: taken with trivalent Chromium may reduce immune reactions.

Cordyceps sinensis: Studies show herbal combinations containing cordyceps fungus reduce immune reactions with kidney transplants and lupus nephritis.

Curcuma longa: Early research shows turmeric may help with viral issues. Turmeric is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae).

EPA/DHA: Fish oil assayed to assure purity, since heavy metals including methyl mercury, build up in the food chain, helps to reduce blood viscosity, clotting tendency, and inflammatory processes.

FIR: Far Infrared sauna or localized FIR therapy penetrates quantum energy deeply into tissues, activating physiological compounds including minerals, and raising thermal energy, circulation, and processes of detoxification via the sweat glands, thus bypassing the often overloaded kidneys.

Glycyrrhiza glabra: DGL and carbenoxolone licorice root extracts have potential for viral hepatitis. Licorice is in the Fabaceae (Leguminosae) botanical family.

Kamalahar: The Ayurvedic herbal compound Kamalahar made of Tecoma undulate, Phyllanthus urinaria, Embelia ribes, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortistis, and Terminalia arjuna may reduce liver damage in acute viral hepatitis.

Microwater: Microwater is alkaline, antioxidant, and micro-clustered, allowing 10 times better penetration of water into extracellular and intracellular fluid compartments. As a better solvent, this water also delivers other remedies more efficiently as well as supporting the more efficient elimination of wastes, toxins, irritants, allergens, and immune complexes.

MORA therapy: MORA is a dialysis of the body’s own energy, enhancing low physiological energy by amplification, and dampening disharmonic waveforms through inversion, similar to noise-reduction headphone technology.

Omega-3 fatty acids: EPA/DHA inhibits inflammation via the arachidonic acid pathway. An early clinical study evaluated fish oil in mixed cryoglobulinemia, improving potentially pathogenetic blood parameters. Avoid during active bleeding.

Oxygen: Essential for over 90% of the potential cellular energy production, a key factor in Phase 1 terrain, highly energetic immune function, infections by anaerobic pathogens, and thermal regulation. When tissue perfusion is lacking, increased oxygen partial pressure in affected tissues can be supported with a non-chlorine-based catalyst that separates hydrogen and oxygen from water. This is found in Cell Food, Cell Renew (double strength Cell Food), and Cell Silver (Cell Renew plus ionic Silver). Because of the strength of this liquid concentrate, care should be taken not to contact the remedy until it is diluted in water.

Padma 28: Padma 28 is a well-documented Tibetan herbal compound of 22 botanicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects manufactured in Switzerland. Ingredients are Aegle marmelos (Bengal Quince) fruit; Pimenta dioica (Allspice) fruit; Aquilegia vulgaris (Columbine) aerial part; Calendula officinalis (Marigold) flower; Elettaria cardamomum (Cardamom) fruit; Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) flower bud; Saussurea lappa (Saussuria) root; Hedychium spicatum (Hedychium) rhizome; Lactuca sativa (Lettuce) leaf; Cetraria islandica (Iceland moss) thallus; Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) root; Azadirachta indica (Margosa) fruit; Terminalia chebula (Myrobalan) fruit; Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort) aerial part; Polygonum aviculare (Knot-grass) aerial part; Potentilla aurea (Golden Cinquefoil) aerial part; Pterocarpus santalinus (Red Sandalwood) wood; Sida cordifolia (Heart-leaved Sida) aerial part; Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) root; and Aconitum napellus (Monkshood) tuber. Also present are Dextrocamphora (natural camphor) and Calcii sulphas pulv.(Gypsum). Aconitum napellus is omitted in the PADMA Basic formula so as to be available in the states.

Picrorhiza kurroa: The root powder from the botanical Picrorhiza improves measures of bilirubin, SGOT (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) in viral hepatitis.

PQQ: This quinone, a relative of Co Q10, is the only remedy known to stimulate mitochondrial regeneration, which is highly beneficial in overcoming Phase 1, low energy terrain, pathognomonic in viral and chronic degenerative processes.

Quercetin: A bioflavonoid synergistic with Vitamin C for strengthening blood vessels and other connective tissues.

Rheum rhabarbarum: Early studies have used rhubarb in hepatitis. Avoid using rhubarb for more than two weeks as tolerance could cause laxative dependence.Rumex acetosa: Sorrel has proposed antiviral effects, but contains oxalate.

Rutin: A bioflavonoid synergistic with Vitamin C for strengthening blood vessels and other connective tissues.

Salix alba: White willow bark extract contains bioflavonoids that help maintain blood vessel strength and flexibility, unlike aspirin which was originally derived from this biocompatible complex. Consider this as a substitute when aspirin is prescribed.

Silybum marianum: Milk thistle has 2,000 years of clinical use with liver and gallbladder issues and has been researched in acute viral hepatitis.

Spirulina: Preliminary human research does not show benefit with chronic viral hepatitis despite hepatoprotective properties of spirulina blue-green algae. Related algae include Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, and Microcystis species.

Thymus extract: Preclinical research suggests thymus extract may benefit those with autoimmune issues. Consider homeopathic forms from healthy sources, such as biodynamic.

Trimethylglycine: TMG, extracted from beets, is a member of the B vitamin and amino acid families. With three methyl groups per molecule, it is the most effective nutritional methyl donor, helping to reverse blood vessel damage and other degenerative processes.

Vaccinium oxycoccos: Lab studies have investigated antiviral activity in Cranberry. Avoid sweetened cranberry food and drinks.

Viscum album: Preliminary research has documented that some patients have complete elimination of hepatitis virus after treatment with Viscum album (mistletoe), a member of the aster family (Compositea, Asteraceae).

Vitamin C: Synergistic with bioflavonoids (Vitamin P) in strengthening blood vessels and other connective tissues.

Vitamin E: In patients with hepatitis on antiviral therapy, vitamin E has been proposed to prevent inflammation.

Zinc: Zinc is important for immune function. Studies show that zinc reduces GI side effects of interferon or interferon and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C viral infection. Long-term Zinc supplementation should be in ratio with Copper.

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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

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+1 (808) 217-9647

[*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] T.D.C.